University of Potsdam

Campus at the New Palace, University of Potsdam (© Universität Potsdam/Karla Fritze)
Campus at the New Palace, University of Potsdam (© Universität Potsdam/Karla Fritze)
Campus at the New Palace, University of Potsdam (© Universität Potsdam/Karla Fritze)

Young, modern, research-oriented: The University of Potsdam was founded 22 years ago and has firmly established itself in the scientific landscape of  Berlin-Brandenburg. Research and teaching  take place in the five faculties as well as in the scientific institutions and interdisciplinary centers in Potsdam.

University of Potsdam
Am Neuen Palais 10
House 9
14469 Potsdam
+49 331 977-0
+49 331 97 21 63