Legal Notice

The state capital Potsdam is a public corporation. It is represented by the Lord Mayor Mike Schubert.

Landeshauptstadt Potsdam
Der Oberbürgermeister 
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 79/81
14469 Potsdam

Phone: +49 331 289-0
Fax:      +49 331 289-1155

Responsible for the content according to § 5 Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz (DDG):
Heike Bojunga, Head of Department of Communication and Participation

Value Added Tax Identification Number according to § 27a Value Added Tax Act:
DE 138408386

"Leitweg-ID" for e-invoices: 12-12992262150119-98

Tourist Inquiries:
Phone: +49 331 27 55 80
Fax:      +49 331 27 55 82 9
E-Mail:  info‎@‎

Technical Support: 
werk21 GmbH 
Krausnickstraße 3
10115 Berlin (Mitte)

kontur networx GmbH
Albrechtstr. 18
10117 Berlin

netzhaus AG
Ziolkowskistr. 8
14480 Potsdam

Editorial Support:
Märkische Verlags- und Druck-Gesellschaft mbH Potsdam
Friedrich-Engels-Straße 24, 14473 Potsdam

Data Privacy Statement:

Detailed information (in German)

Instructions for Electronic Communication:

The state capital Potsdam oppened an electronic access for e-mails with qualified electronic signature in accordance with the e-government law. A ordered by law written form can be replaced by an electronic form. The electronic form has the same legal effect as the signed written form.

Please note the following instructions for conveying your qualified electronically signed documents:

  • Please send e-mails with qualified electronocally signed attachment only to
  • The state capital Potsdam accepts only signatures which were made with a certificate from a accredited by the Federal Network Agency certification service provider. You can get detailed information about electronic signatures according to the Digital Signature Act on the website of the Federal Office for Information Security and of the Federal Network Agency.
  • Only pdf/a documents with a qualified electronic signature are accepted as a file format.
  • The total size of an e-mail including the attachment is limited to 5MB.
  • The state capital Potsdam does not support cryptographic technique.
  • Please enter the postal address of the sender and a description of the intended recipient, if necessary with file refences.

Furthermore the state capital Potsdam offers a multitude of internet services. You can find them here.