Young Scientist Prize
This year the state capital of Potsdam is awarding the Potsdam Young Scientist Prize for the eighteenth time. The prize is awarded to young scientists from Potsdam and the surrounding region for exceptional achievements at the start of their career in science with work that meets the highest scientific demands. The aim is to further consolidate the city of Potsdam’s status as a vibrant, future-oriented science hub.
The award ceremony is to take place on 29th of November 2024 as part of the Berlin- Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities’ celebrations of Einstein Day.
The prize is awarded for outstanding achievements within and across disciplines and is not limited to any one discipline. The achievement to be acknowledged must not be more than two years old. Doctoral theses may be acknowledged by the prize. As postdoctoral theses form part of a more advanced scientific career, these can only be taken into consideration in exceptional cases.
The prize is awarded annually and includes prize money of € 5,000.
Nominations are preferred. Applications will be accepted as long as they are accompanied by an expert opinion or a convincing, easily understandable recommendation letter from an identified university lecturer. Nominations and applications should be in German. Accompanying documentation in English may be submitted in exceptional cases. A jury, chaired by the Mayor, will decide on the awarding of the prize.
Nominations with full documentation:
- extensive, easily understandable justification for the proposal, expressing the excellence of the work and the high scientific potential of the young scientist in a way that the jury members from different scientific disciplines are able to judge,
- CV and list of publications,
- copy of PhD certificate
are solicited up until: 18th of October 2024 (date of post mark)
at the following address:
Landeshauptstadt Potsdam
Büro des Oberbürgermeisters
Mareike Doepner
14461 Potsdam