Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity
The Team of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity
Our team at the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity is committed to equal opportunity in the state capital Potsdam and to opposing discrimination. We are working towards equal opportunity and access for the residents of Potsdam in all relevant social, political and economic areas. The team consists of the Commissioner for Migration and Integration, the Commissioner for the Disabled, the Director of Equal Opportunity as well as an administrative assistant for office and project management. In addition to providing various consultation services, you may also apply for project financing through this office. Individual appointments are possible.
The Team includes three commissioners:
- Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity and Commissioner for Inclusion, Martina Trauth-Koschnick,
- Commissioner for Migration and Integration, Magdolna Grasnick,
- Commissioner for the Disabled, Christoph Richter
as well as
- Gabriela Schwentke (Office and Project Management),
- Maja Hildebrandt (Migrants Advisory Board Management),
- Susanne Mehling (Staff) and
- Sandra König (Student)