Mr Richter
Commissioner for the Disabled
- works for the disabled in the community and for the implementation of equal opportunity
- advises the city council, the city administration at all levels, and other institutions concerning questions regarding the disabled
- examines accessibility in all areas (buildings, housing, public transportation)
- connects associations, societies, self-help groups and other initiatives of the disabled
- counsels and acts as an ombudsman in challenging situations involving the disabled
- develops and fosters initiatives and projects for improving the equal participation of the disabled
- performs public relations work and activities to support and implement the concept of inclusion in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (equal rights and laws for all; people shall live their lifes as they wish)
- gives advice to citizens in cases of problems with administrative rulings, conflicts with groups and organizations regarding questions of equality and regarding grants of aid etc.
- co-operates closely with the Advisory Board for the Disabled in all relevent areas
Contact information
Phone: +49 331 289-1085
Fax: +49 331 289-841085
Room: 209
Visitors' adress Post adress
Stadthaus Landeshauptstadt Potsdam
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 79 / 81 14461 Potsdam
14469 Potsdam