Growth Core
Under the heading “Strengthen the strengths” the government of the State of Brandenburg initiated a political process in 2004 aimed at concentrating funding in the State of Brandenburg and realigning it regionally and among industry sectors.
15 locations in the state – among them the state capital Potsdam – which are the economic anchors in their region due to their economic power, total population and scientific potential, received the designation “Regional Growth Core” (RWK).
As part of the cluster strategy of the states of Berlin and Brandenburg selected sectors were chosen for particular attention. For Potsdam these include:
- Media / Information and Communication Technology
- Health Management / Life Science
- Tourism
The Result: Companies in these industry sectors can get maximum funding if they locate their business in Potsdam or invest here.
In addition to funding specific companies, intentional site development and the development of the underlying conditions needed to guarantee optimum business development is present. This is based on the Site Development Program from which priorities were set, the realization of which is supported and promoted by state government.
On November 6, 2013 the state capital Potsdam made the decision that updates to its Site Development Program would be the basis for action for further development under the RWK until 2020. Annual reports provide information about the current status of key measures necessary for development from the Site Development Program and how they are being accomplished.
Magazine: Success | Powerful locations for Brandenburg (2014)
Success 2014 (PDF; 3,92 MB)Brochure: Growth Cores | Powerful locations for Brandenburg
Growth Cores (PDF; 7,14 MB)Site Development Concept 2013
SDC 2013 (PDF; 2,32 MB)