Families in Potsdam
Potsdam is one of the most favored cities in Germany. The Brandenburg Havel landscape in close proximity to the Federal capital Berlin thrills people of all ages in every circumstance. The charm of the historical buildings and exceptional shops in the delightful city center, the spacious woods, parks and gardens and the clean and safe playgrounds offer open space for families. The quality of schools and the number of educational institutions are also above the national average. What could be better than a wedding in the UNSECO World Heritage at the Pfingstberg Belvedere?
According to the latest Family Atlas of 2012, regularly issued by the Prognos AG by order of the Federal Ministry of Families, Potsdam is the most family-friendly city in the eastern states of Germany and belongs to the most family-friendly communities in all of Germany. The State capital takes first place in compatibility of family and career and also gets excellent marks in the categories of education, regional family policy, the job market and demographics.
These advantages bring desireable growth to Potsdam. However, it also results in housing shortages and shortages of related neighborhood amenities. Reasonable home ownership prices and affordable rents for young families are the main targets of urban planning. Conditions for children in Potsdam are steadily improving. Parents of newborns get pertinent information from the Baby Welcome Service. Assistance and individual constultations are available at local alliances, networks, and parent-child centers. Child care services have greatly improved in Potsdam due to the construction of new daycare centers, to the brochure “Kita Tipp” containing the most important information regarding child care, and to city daycare services.
Children who grow up in Potsdam bicycle along the UNESCO lakes, swim, row, paddle or sail on the idyllic Havel. In the public park Volkspark Potsdam, large areas for barbequing, beach volleyball, soccer, basketball, skating, skateboarding and much more are at everyone’s disposal. Multigenerational venues like cinemas, clubs, the culture and business district Schiffbauergasse, beach bars, pubs and cafés are meeting places for children as well as for adolescents, adults and senior citizens.
"child day-care in Potsdam" - booklet in englisch
"child day-care in Potsdam" - booklet in englisch (PDF; 5,78 MB)